On The Wings Of Personal Effectiveness

Adeniruju Treasure Adedapo

Personal-Effectiveness-Pic1-Act-Now (1)Ever wondered why some people seem to accomplish so much while others struggle along barely able to attend to their daily needs? Stephen Covey’s 1989 “7 Habits of highly effective people” further amplifies Dale Carnegie’s 1937 idea that highly effective people usually fulfill their achievements with less work and effort than those who accomplish little.

Obviously, the difference is in their focus, intention and skills – all of which can be mastered.

To do this, let’s consider the questions below:

What do you want?

When you’re absolutely clear on what it is that you want, and are determined to get it, there’s no stopping you. Lack of clarity and focus is one of the most common pitfalls. Trust me; you cannot play an uncertain instrument. When you give your mind clear instructions and no vagaries, you will surely develop a powerful congruence, which will almost magically seek out and attract your objectives.

Can you keep your word?

Each of us has our own value system, even when they are not apparent to you. And it’s paramount that you discover these values because operating outside this value system can render you ineffective. When you break your word – to others or yourself – you’re out of integrity, and your self-esteem and confidence suffers. Believe me, you need confidence to optimize your productivity, and it’s drained by not keeping your promises. I hope you know that the Dictionary is the only place where ‘excellence’ comes before ‘integrity’.

What are your priorities?

In 2004, Michael Angier said “There’s no way to do everything you would like to do. You can do anything you want, you just can’t do everything you want. You have to prioritize.” You need to be working on the things that are the most important. By doing so, you’ll see the greatest payoff. You must understand the ‘importance’ and ‘urgency’ attached to your activities. This will help you in planning your work and working your plan.


How does technology come in?

Operating successfully in this century without being competent with computers and being online isn’t too likely. There are a thousand-and-one software programs today that are powerful tools for getting your work done. With the aid of social networks of this age, you can keep yourself abreast of the happenings of the larger society and network your way into solving today’s global challenges. Trust me, it’s beyond just fun and entertainment. The Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age passed leaving painful indelible marks in the heart of many. Why? They simply couldn’t take advantage of those times. Dear, be wise. This is the Information Age!

Are you organized?

There’s no such thing as a disorganized person – only one who doesn’t organize themselves. You can do it, and it will make your life more fun. Handle things once whenever possible. You can help yourself by making things easy to find. Dear, time spent looking for items is not only wasteful, it’s frustrating. I’ll also advice you learn to make your notes in one place where you can easily access them. I take this from me; a short pencil is better than a long memory.


What else?

Procrastination is so easy. It’s like darkness, it shows up when there’s no light. Some say it is the thief of time. I say, it’s the graveyard where opportunities are buried. You know what? You can overcome it! When you just can’t seem to do something, commit yourself to at least starting it. Beginning is half-done!

Stay Inspired and Remain effective!!!

2 responses to “On The Wings Of Personal Effectiveness

  1. This is fantastic. Indeed a challenge.

  2. Refreshing! Keep it up

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